Is Your Hotel Compatible With Dayuse? 

PUBLISHED ON 01/15/2024
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Find out if your establishment is a match with our service

Dayuse was founded with the goal of creating a new revenue stream for hotels. Implementing Dayuse rooms in your revenue management strategy will help you significantly increase your income. If you are considering selling rooms with us, you are considering creating an additional steady revenue stream! By opening hotel doors to daytime guests, we have helped our 8,500 partners around the world boost their occupancy rate, with some even exceeding 100%, thanks to the 1.9M bookings that were made through our website and app in 2023 alone. By now you may be wondering whether or not your hotel is compatible for a partnership with Dayuse. Keep reading to find out!  

The 4 steps to ensure your hotel is compatible with Dayuse:

In order for your hotel to be compatible with Dayuse, it must meet a number of requirements. 

  1. To start, your hotel must be located in one of the 28 markets that we operate in, including the USA, Canada, and the UK.

  2. Secondly, it must fall under one of the categories of hotels that we work with. The hotel types that we partner with include classic chains, independent, boutiques, resorts, palaces, and some cabins (typically in airports). We generally do not work with motels or guest houses unless they have very high ratings. We don’t work with Airbnb or apartments under any circumstances. 

  3. Next, your hotel must have a certain capacity in order to facilitate Dayuse bookings.  

  4. Lastly, in terms of quality, we pay close attention to the rating obtained by hotels on the main OTAs: it must be at least 7/10. Therefore, we only partner with hotels that have at least 3 stars. However, exceptions can be made for 2-star hotels after evaluation if we believe they meet our quality standards.

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If It’s A Match:

If your hotel matches all the criteria described above, the next step is to define the best offer to maximize revenue and satisfy the customers’ needs. You will have a dedicated account manager to create your offer based on their knowledge and the specifics of your property.

  • Room category: firstly, you should offer a standard room, and you can then widen the options by also offering premium rooms which will help you maximize bookings.
  • Dayuse rates: you are free to decide the rate you charge for Dayuse bookings but the rate should be at least 25% lower than an overnight stay in order to incentivize our customers. We apply a static and flat rate to create loyalty with the clients.
  • Time slots: we require Dayuse slots to be a minimum of 5 hours. Our team will work closely with you to define and diversify your time slots.
  • Add-ons: you can boost your revenues even further by providing add-ons to your Dayuse guests who tend to make the most of a hotel’s facilities during their limited stay. Providing access to amenities such as swimming pools, spas and steam rooms or packages (wellness, F&B...) will have a positive impact on your bottom line. A complimentary or discounted parking spot is also highly appreciated. 
How it works

By now, you may be impatient to start your partnership with Dayuse! To ensure a fruitful collaboration, we expect you to stay with us in the long term. Keep in mind that our partnership comes in addition to your overnight business and is not an alternative - it provides you with an additional revenue stream without spending a single dollar and without having to make any significant modifications to your operations. Lastly, in order to ensure you are fully aware of the way we proceed, you will be asked to sign our Quality Chart which states that you must take care of Dayuse guests as you would regular overnight guests. 

Implementing Dayuse into your revenue management system is simple but if you have any trouble along the way, don’t worry! We provide each of our partners with a devoted account manager who is there to assist them at each step of the process.

Partnering with Dayuse


Bookings facilitated since our inception


Business volume in 2023


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