Op-ed by David Lebée, CEO & founder of Dayuse: Redefining the Hospitality Landscape

PUBLISHED ON 21/03/2024
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From Accommodation to Experience: How Hotels Are Transforming to Meet Personalized and Modern Demands

The hospitality industry has been undergoing a profound transformation in recent years. It is gradually shedding many of its traditional practices and long-held notions of hotels as nothing more than places to sleep. With their unique designs, themes, and facilities, hotels have evolved beyond mere overnight accommodations. 

There are significant implications to this evolution: guests are searching for more diverse experiences, hoteliers are tapping into new revenue streams & market segments, and the broader industry is witnessing a shift towards more experience-focused services.

Emphasizing Local Experiences 

Throughout my 20+ years in the hospitality industry, I have observed numerous evolutions and it’s clear that today, we stand on the verge of a new era with the emergence of AI. However, this evolution is also driven by other factors. The shifting mindset of consumers is perhaps the most influential one. I am convinced consumers will increasingly prioritize local experiences for a variety of compelling reasons. These motivations include reducing their carbon footprint, coping with inflation's impact on leisure activities, minimizing long-distance travel due to heightened conflict risks, the need for taking more frequent breaks, and the increasing demands for flexibility. Consumers are not only searching for places with strong character and distinctive positioning but also unique experiences. In this context, an effective branding strategy is essential to create an emotional connection with a hotel’s target audience. Particularly, Gen Z has been forcing hotels to rethink their strategy, embracing technology and providing more authentic and memorable experiences.

Enhancing Connectivity With Hotel Systems 

At Dayuse, we’ve been revolutionizing the hospitality industry to improve hotel revenues by disregarding traditional check-ins and check-outs. Offering hotels the flexibility to sell rooms during the day without impacting their overnight sales has been a major shift. Our partnerships with key distribution actors such as MEWS further enhance the connectivity with hotel systems, making it easier to sell their unoccupied assets during the day. 

Creating Tailored Packages

On the customer side, we’ve been catering to consumers' preferences for unique concepts. The recent launch of our all-inclusive offer Dayuse Daydream reflects that desire of an unusual hotel experience close to home. After a successful launch in a few major cities, we aim to pursue the development of these packages.

We've been working closely with our partners to create tailored packages that range from food and beverages to exclusive access to amenities and specific services. We aim to elevate both our customers' experiences and our partners' revenue. These premium packages are more expensive and designed to maximize returns for our hotels, reflecting a strategic investment in quality that guests are willing to pay for.

Pay As You Go & Personalization

I also believe that customers want to pay a fair price based on their actual usage and time spent in a hotel. Why should guests pay for access to a pool if they don't use it, or for a room starting at 3:00 PM when they won't check in until 7:00 PM? Personalization of the hotel experience is also essential, with themes tailored to each type of customer. For example, I believe hotels will increasingly cater to adults only, offering a peaceful and relaxing environment, as opposed to kid-friendly ones.

In the near future, the hospitality industry will be defined, among other things, by the necessity to integrate personalized experiences, and reimagine traditional hospitality models. A new generation of consumers is indeed demanding sustainability, authenticity, and flexibility in their experiences, whether for leisure or travel. As we continue to navigate these changes, I am convinced that the industry's ability to adapt and innovate will not only define its future success but also shape the very essence of what it means to travel and experience hospitality. Let us embrace this change, recognizing that our collective efforts to innovate today will pave the way for a more dynamic industry tomorrow.

David Lebée, CEO & Founder of Dayuse

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